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标题: 天天考查圣经 1018 [打印本页]

作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:22     标题: 天天考查圣经 1018


举目观看田地吧, 已经发白了, 可以收割庄稼了。——约4:35

有个基督徒家庭一家四口离开美国, 搬到多米尼加共和国一个约有5万人的小镇, 跟当地的会众一起为王国服务。 这群会众大约有130个传道员。 2006年4月12日, 他们举行耶稣受难纪念聚会, 出席的人数竟然有1300人左右! 短短五个月, 这四口之家(父母儿女)就合共主持了30个圣经研究。 当然, 不是人人都能搬到需要更多传道员的地区服务, 这是可以理解的。 但可以肯定的是, 谁能够这样做, 谁能够调整自己的生活搬到这些地区服务, 都会得到很多福分。 耶和华应许, 如果你把王国的事放在生活的首位, 他就会把福分倾注给你, 直到你一无所缺。(玛3:10) 《守》07/5/1刊1篇14,15段
作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:22

Saturday, October 18

Lift up your eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting.—John 4:35.

One Christian family of four moved from the United States to the Dominican Republic to serve with a congregation in a town with a population of 50,000. The congregation was made up of about 130 Kingdom publishers. Yet, on April 12, 2006, some 1,300 attended the Memorial of Christ’s death! After just five months, this father, mother, son, and daughter were conducting a total of 30 Bible studies. Understandably, many are not in a position to move to another land to serve where there is a greater need. But those who are—or who can adjust their circumstances to make themselves available—will surely experience numerous blessings by sharing in this aspect of the ministry. If you put Kingdom interests first in your life, Jehovah promises to “empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want.”—Mal. 3:10. w07 5/1 1:14, 15

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