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标题: 天天考查圣经 1015 [打印本页]

作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:24     标题: 天天考查圣经 1015


已婚的妇人……受律法约束, 属于丈夫。——罗7:2

一见钟情或许能触发一场愉快的恋爱, 却不能为美满的婚姻奠定稳固的基础。 因此, 独身的女子要问问自己: “我愿意嫁给这个男子, 以后受他的‘律法约束’吗?” 这个问题应该在婚前就考虑清楚, 而不是在婚后才考虑。 今天, 许多地方的女子都可以自行决定嫁不嫁给求婚的人。 然而对女子来说, 要作明智的决定也许十分困难。 因为, 她或许渴望享受婚姻中那种被爱的感觉, 以及夫妻间亲昵的关系。 父母和其他人能够帮助我们, 使我们大大受益。 一个有智慧的人多年来一直劝导年轻人, 要多了解结婚对象的父母, 也要仔细观察未来的配偶, 看看他怎样跟父母和其他家人相处。 《守》07/2/15刊2篇5-7段
作者: qquchn    时间: 2008-10-27 23:25

Wednesday, October 15

A married woman is bound by law to her husband.—Rom. 7:2.

The love-at-first-sight feeling may be enough for a pleasurable romance, but it is not an adequate basis for a happy marriage. A single woman, therefore, needs to ask herself, ‘Am I willing to enter into an arrangement in which I will come under the law of this man?’ The time to consider this question is before getting married, not afterward. In many places today, a woman can choose either to accept or to reject a marriage proposal. Yet, making a wise choice may be the hardest thing a woman ever does, since her desire for the closeness and love possible in marriage can be very strong. The help that parents and others can provide is important. One wise counselor long encouraged young people to get to know the parents of their prospective marriage mate as well as to observe carefully that one’s interaction with parents and other family members. w07 2/15 2:5-7

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