天天考查圣经 1201


会众都平安无事, 受到强化。——徒9:31

耶稣仍然跟使徒在一起时, 曾告诉他们, 一群即将建立的会众该怎样运作, 以及会众有什么安排。 耶稣言传身教, 让门徒知道有些人会在会众里带头, 为会众其他成员服务。 基督说: “你们知道, 列国的人有被尊为统治者的辖制他们, 也有大臣掌权管理他们。 你们中间可不要这样。 谁想在你们中间为大, 就得做你们的仆人; 谁想在你们中间为首, 就得做大家的奴隶。”(可10:42-44) 由此可见, “上帝的会众”绝不是一群分散的、 各自为政的人, 毫无组织可言。(林前11:22) “上帝的会众”其实很有组织, 会众的成员互相交流, 关系密切。 《守》07/4/15刊2篇2,3段
末世征象:地震 粮荒 战争 瘟疫 世界四分五裂

Monday, December 1

The congregation . . . entered into a period of peace, being built up.—Acts 9:31.

While Jesus was still with the apostles, he gave indications as to the arrangement within that soon-to-be-established congregation. Jesus taught by word and deed that some in the congregation would take the lead. They would do so by serving, or ministering to, others in their group. Christ said: “You know that those who appear to be ruling the nations lord it over them . . . This is not the way among you; but whoever wants to become great among you must be your minister, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of all.” (Mark 10:42-44) Clearly, “the congregation of God” would not be merely scattered, isolated individuals, amounting to an amorphous congregation. (1 Cor. 11:22) Rather, there would be structure, with individuals in the congregation interacting with one another. w07 4/15 2:2, 3
末世征象:地震 粮荒 战争 瘟疫 世界四分五裂