[社会新闻] 冷感女人有救了 !!! 告诉你,女人高潮的秘密

性爱的最高境界莫过于达到性高潮,可是据统计,美国大约有四分之一的妇女难以达到性高潮;科学家认为,如果能找到女人高潮之谜,或许可以拯救这些无法​​达到高潮的妇女。1 C: l% L- Y$ U# o2 j5 F: k

, P5 F& g& L1 N$ w7 ~荷兰格罗宁根大学(the University of Groningen)的研究发现,当女人达到性高潮时,大脑有个区域──叫做「眼窝额皮质」(orbitofrontal cortex或OFC)就进入「关闭」状态,而使女人欲仙欲死。
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3 g5 k/ u2 b, A8 l这项研究邀请多名女性自愿者参与,在她们躺在核磁共振扫描器时,并与性伴侣调情到性高潮,而从脑部扫描出的照片显示,当她们达到高潮时,脑部的「眼窝额皮质」就会呈现关闭。
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3 w' o  [" `/ Y1 d, O人在德国 社区研究人员乔治艾迪斯(Janniko Georgiadis)指出,当人们描述高潮的感觉,多以「失去控制」来形容,从电脑扫描照片来看,性高潮会改变人的意识状态。 研究人员认为,也许让性冷感的妇女观察自己脑部变化,再经由一些「训练」,控制脑部的「眼窝额皮质」放轻松,就能享受未曾经历的快感。 人在德国 社区) K7 n# D9 h, t

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( V' {- B6 n2 J! t2 G+ S1 m; f4 Owww.csuchen.de这些核磁共振的影像,显示女性在性高潮时,血液流向大脑的区域。www.csuchen.de7 ~2 e% ?# R! q3 q
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' t. x& Q) o  J8 s; X3 K  T人在德国 社区Orgasm: It is hoped the new research will lead to a cure for women who can not orgasm: Z, x* ^3 ]; r' F

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www.csuchen.de  a: X" t; _& g9 }8 g0 ]! H, t
Secrets of the female orgasm revealed: Scientists discover new hope for women who can't climax人在德国 社区3 C7 u3 O- W. W# x4 `* O
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Scientists have discovered the female orgasm leads to an altered state of conciousness that could help the minority of women who can not climax.
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Researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands unwittingly stumbled across the results after they examined the brain scans of women taken while they orgasmed.
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The team noticed that an area of the brain, known as the orbitofrontal cortex or OFC, switched off when the women climaxed.
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