Originally posted by 孤独的影子 at 2004-5-6 12:05 PM:
狼是世上最孤独的动物,为了求生,有时虽然会结伴去寻找食物,但吃饱之后,就立刻又分散了。就因为它们比人能忍受孤独,所以它们也比人忠实。只有狼才是世上最忠实的配偶,一夫一妻,活着时从不分离,公狼若死了, ...

„ everybody is like an isolated island……“ I heard such text from the film<< about a boy>> (Hugh Grant) and find , it just describes the correct situation about us in this world.
Everybody is in fact lonely too. To know each other through and through is just a beautiful dream.:)

[ Last edited by 冬鱼的快乐 on 2004-5-8 at 14:50 ]
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