[国际新闻] 美国变态狗杀手把狗头送还狗主

美国明尼苏达州出现极度变态的狗杀手,一名少女的爱犬失踪数星期后,她在家中收到一个礼物盒,打开后赫然发现遍寻不获的爱犬头颅,当场吓得高声尖叫,几近崩溃,直斥凶手残暴不仁。www.csuchen.de. z1 _" j% \3 S
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  当看到狗头后,克里斯特尔吓得歇斯底里尖叫。她的祖母布朗形容当时的情景:她几近崩溃,不断尖叫,并说,祖母,这是狗头;我只能说,这不是!接报到场调查的警方说,此案是个别事件,杀狗疑凶可能认识克里斯特尔一家,动机不明。克里斯特尔则指凶手极度残忍,简直变态,因为行凶者竟然把狗头包裹,伪装成礼物,送到她家中。: _/ \1 C0 {5 _2 P" \
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Minnesota girl finds her dog's head in a gift-wrapped box; police search for suspect
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% W+ C3 a2 N8 |+ K3 _ST. PAUL, Minn. — A 17-year-old girl who spent weeks looking for her missing dog unwrapped a box left on her doorstep and found the pet's severed head inside, authorities said.
$ u( z0 n; U% |  [7 a8 K/ gHomicide investigators were looking into the case because of the "implied" terroristic threat, St. Paul Police Sgt. Jim Gray said. The Humane Society of the United States said Wednesday it was offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to an arrest and conviction. . N3 d1 h5 p+ j* e$ V0 F) H
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"This was extraordinarily heinous," said Dale Bartlett, the Humane Society's deputy manager for animal cruelty issues. "I deal with hundreds and hundreds of cruelty cases each year. When I read about this case, it took my breath away. It's horrible." ) z: X$ c7 Z: e8 T2 Z8 m: p9 n
After Crystal Brown's 4-year-old Australian shepherd, Chevy, mix wandered away last month, she put up "missing" posters in her neighborhood and went door to door looking for him. She called the St. Paul animal shelter and rode the bus there several times.
% @( Q$ f' Y( ]: s"I felt empty," Crystal told the Star Tribune of Minneapolis. "I couldn't talk to anyone. He was my dog. It was just me and him. ... I told him everything and he never shared any of my secrets."
$ a5 [. E1 d) Y# W, R. gTwo weeks ago, a gift-wrapped box was left at the house Crystal shares with her grandmother. The box had batteries on top, and a note that said "Congratulations Crystal. This side up. Batteries included."
5 v( a& }, u4 w& ]5 C人在德国 社区Crystal opened the box and found her dog's head inside. The box also contained Valentine's Day candy.
! |5 `) {5 p: r2 b3 n: `# C( ?5 M$ u( k人在德国 社区Crystal screamed when she saw her dog's face. / ]  c3 x( W. r; k
"She was just hysterical," said Crystal's grandmother, Shirley Brown. "She was screaming. She said, 'Grandma, it's my dog's head!'
& |" N& V" [* R1 c"I said, 'no it can't be!"'
7 Q6 U. k: S/ iAuthorities say the case is an isolated incident and the suspect likely knew the family. A motive is unclear.
! O# L& |/ R" L' O"This was so cruel," Crystal said. "This is one sick, twisted person."
1 _: r* ~4 Q! c0 q6 D$ Qwww.csuchen.deShe now has a new puppy, another Australian shepherd. She's named it Diesel.
' a9 g. Z, z. j人在德国 社区"Hopefully, he'll be my best friend," Crystal said. ; ^. u- e( g) k) U  T( c( i
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