
Lake Eutrophication and Restoration by Algae

湖水富营养化是很多中国南方的湖泊,水库存在的问题,比如说去年的无锡太湖蓝藻爆发就是湖水富营养化的严重后果。这个问题在德国也同样存在,例如科隆附近的Frühlinger See就曾经因为夏季游人太多,给湖里带来了过多的营养物质(主要是氮和磷)而一度对湖泊以及周围地区进行了封闭,也就是让湖“休息”几年来自净。


主讲人:Dr. Angelika Jöbgen

内容:Eutrophication of the aquatic environment is frequently a result of nutrient pollution such as the release of sewage effluent and causes severe reductions in water quality. Eutrophication decreases the resource value of rivers, lakes, and estuaries such that recreation, fishing, hunting, and aesthetic enjoyment are hindered. Health-related problems can occur where eutrophic conditions interfere with drinking water treatment.

The first part of the lecture will give a brief introduction into causes and effects of Eutrophication followed by a short review on common restoration techniques. In the second part the development of a novel method utilizing algae for the removal of excess nutrients will be presented. In the study artificial substrates were exposed submerged in a large scale experiment at a lake near Bonn to assess the potential of periphytic algae for lake restoration.

讲座语言: 英语

wachtbergsee.jpg                    wachtbergsee_ernte.jpg

时间:2008年10月18日 星期六 13:40

Klein Hörsaal, Botanisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Gyrhofstr. 15, 50931 Köln,在大学里面,大家可以参照下面的地图

公交:Linie 9 Weyertal 站,下车右转,或者Bus 136,146 Hildegardis-Krankenhaus站


下载活动Flyer: lake restoration.pdf (152.6 KB)



Dr. Angelika Jöbgen

Biology studies at University of Cologne,
Diploma Thesis (2002) & phD Thesis (2007): both on “Lake Restoration by Algae”. Supervisor: Prof. Melkonian, Botanical Institute, University of Cologne.

[ 本帖最后由 小敬 于 2008-10-17 10:36 编辑 ]
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原帖由 Inono 于 2008-9-26 23:07 发表


