The precise date for the activity is not determined yet. But we are supposed to know how many person could be interested in the participation.


So we are able to start planning it, because BOSCH and AUDI would liketo be informed roughly at  the beginning.  
You know the german guyswould rather invest more time in planning than doing the task.


The details for this weekend is likely to be:
Friday (03.08 or 10.08 etc.): visiting of BOSCH Prodution (Stuttgart) and/or AUDI Forum & AUDI Streamline (Neckarsulm)
Suggestion 1: if the weather stays brightly and clearly...
Saturday and Sunday: Outdoor activity --> Black Forest, Castles and fortresses surrounding Stuttgart, Pforheim ...
Suggstion 2:  if  the weather isn't so nice, rainy or snowy... :naughty:  

Saturday and Sunday: Mercedes
Museum,  Automobil Museum  in Sinsheim may be considered. But we can play it by ear...

Any other suggestions are warmly welcome


原帖由 paradoxfishbear 于 2007-6-29 18:12 发表
spiderman25: hier der erste Agenda, leider erst nur auf Deutsch. Die Zeit dient grob zur Orientierung und beruht auf den Aussagen von AUDI und Bosch Mitarbeitern. Es ist nicht verbindlich,  soll  ...


在Schwarzwald 的 Wanderung 有Schwarzwaldverein 的 Ortsverein 的 Vorsitzende 或 导游做陪同。会很有意义
在 AUDI 和 BOSCH 的参观也有陪同


原帖由 初来亚琛 于 2007-6-29 22:03 发表

之所以把时间定在8月24号 是因为要协调 AUDI 和 BOSCH 的安排。在两个知名的企业同时安排参观有时不是件容易的事情。

