[国际新闻] 世界最小的狗

您知道世界最小的狗,到底有多高吗?美国维吉尼亚州一名妇女宣称她所饲养的吉娃子,只有10厘米高,可能创下世界最小狗狗的纪录。 狗狗世界即将出现新明星,美国维吉尼亚妇女珍妮宣称,她所饲养的吉娃子「舞蹈家」,可能是全球最小的狗,从脚趾到肩膀,只有10厘米高,比起世界最大的狗吉普森,双方身高相差21倍,可说是地虎比天龙。" b9 ?7 A8 r2 j7 _
www.csuchen.de7 R. P' M+ ?+ r; J0 G/ J# c( w
4-inch Lake County Chihuahua may be world's smallest dog7 G9 S0 O# J" z6 u5 y
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LEESBURG -- Meet tiny Dancer, a rust-colored, long-haired Chihuahua that may just be the world's smallest dog, weighing 18 ounces and standing not much more than 4 inches tall.
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Dancer's owner, Jenny Gomes, said the diminutive Lake County canine may be on his way to being named the world's smallest living dog by Guinness World Records.+ J4 X% u4 @& j, P4 o$ t* \4 I

) F/ R5 Z' m+ Z& R; CAnd Dancer may have a legitimate claim to the title. The last smallest dog -- measured by height -- was Danka Kordak of Slovakia, which stood 5.4 inches high, according to Guinness officials./ n" b: O8 @' `6 k2 t2 x8 z

1 i% x) |8 m9 V; Q: {4 n# A9 _  FBut that long-haired Chihuahua died. And Gomes said her Dancer is slightly smaller at 4.1 inches, from foot to the top of the shoulder.www.csuchen.de; f' |5 L0 E+ x% L9 J+ I
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Born June 8, Dancer can't officially claim the title until he is 1 year old.
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/ ?. ^& l" }1 _8 j+ e- e"Then we're planning to throw him a birthday party, measure him officially and get him into the Guinness records as the smallest-living dog," Gomes said.5 x  z1 P" t. {/ V" `

/ W1 {( `+ E9 R; W3 {4 }  fShe said a shorter candidate could emerge but that's unlikely.4 ]7 P/ v9 T) y; L

' [  _" w- o( x; b- M; w0 TGuinness officials require height to be measured up to the animal's shoulders. A Largo Chihuahua is the smallest in terms of length, at 6 inches.
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A neighbor of Gomes, who lives in Okahumpka, abandoned a female Chihuahua a year ago. Emaciated and near death when found, the dog was pregnant.
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"We rescued her, and two weeks later she gave birth," Gomes said." V9 H* _; P; ^2 }, t2 ^& `1 ~- @
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The first puppy was a normal-sized female.3 n- n' l  l% g' r  c, x$ ^

8 P1 M2 f9 ~, x8 D. w' Y& b"But about two hours later came Dancer," Gomes said. "He was about a quarter the size of his sister. He was about as big as my thumb."
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0 Z' }. y; [5 P0 E7 ]4 D人在德国 社区His sister was adopted, but Gomes kept Dancer and his mother.
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Veterinarians suggested Dancer be euthanized because he was likely to have serious health issues as he grew older. Gomes didn't expect the tiny dog to make it either, but she wanted to give him a chance
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Cathy Griggs, Gomes' friend, said she first saw Dancer at the half-year mark.www.csuchen.de" ?4 ]9 e2 e, h! r( C0 M
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"If I hadn't known better, I would have assumed he was a puppy," she said.2 U4 H: j3 L7 a# h* O- t

3 ~; [2 {3 y. P/ w人在德国 社区Those who know Dancer say he doesn't have the typical Chihuahua personality.
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" D- Z$ n% M. f6 m2 }' L0 t人在德国 社区"He's a ham. He loves people," Gomes said.
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, [" X, Z, V: J8 H6 Q3 a$ C) LShe carries him wrapped in a small blanket or pushes him in a baby stroller. At home, he stays in a small playpen. He is always at risk from larger animals.
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5 K0 p* f6 a5 M/ K$ \3 {"His mother is the only one I let near him. She's very protective," Gomes said.
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' V* z, D: h& i4 [& ]: Qwww.csuchen.deHe is so fragile, a fall from a chair or table could be fatal.2 Z- i/ G, p$ {: W
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Dancer's name was inspired by a popular Garth Brooks song.
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Dancer eats every three or four hours because of his size. His only health problem is low blood sugar.! O- O! G) P7 O+ q+ M) g4 C

: b! [  {& {/ g  U人在德国 社区Gomes said a man in the veterinarian's office offered her $5,000 for Dancer when he found out the dog was an adult.) d$ l1 ^4 j4 n& w8 Y

: w2 u4 d1 U2 s/ M( hGomes refused: "No way. You don't sell love."
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4 N. _& v$ ~# U  _$ C. m+ C人在德国 社区[ 本帖最后由 日月光 于 2007-4-28 15:43 编辑 ]

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