[国际新闻] 美国之音中文节目将被裁撤 美对华广播时代结束

美国政府部门消息人士说, 美国之音和中文广播和电视节目将会被裁撤,但是会保留中文网站。 美国之音中文部现有80多个员工, 其中约50个员工将会被裁减。% p. y, I5 l6 U
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" J9 d2 W( K$ ~$ H2 t" F美国之音将会从今年10月1日开始全面停止中文短波中波以及卫星电视广播, 全面取消粤语广播,普通话广播裁员超过二分之一, 将从目前的69人裁减到31人。
8 s- g1 ]; [9 ~5 W. ~- c: _人在德国 社区. Y; [" U2 J/ J2 W# A% ]
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观察人士说,中国政府大力增加对西方的宣传功势, 近二年斥资约70亿美元, 拨给新华社、中央电台、中国广播电台、中国日报等。现在在很多国家都可以实时收看到中国官方的电视节目。作为美国政府的主要宣传机器, 这个时候却挥刀自殇美国之音,显示了中国政府和西方媒体对抗的消长。+ N  o4 Z( e: w9 j& V
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" Z9 v4 {5 x: i3 r9 t( Y' Gwww.csuchen.deVOA radio broadcasts to China signing off
5 }# f/ }! C: S" [% ~9 D& s* sCritics point out Sino-cast expansion
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The Obama administration will cancel shortwave radio broadcasts by Voice of America into China this year, as Beijing is expanding its propaganda operations in the United States and around the world.
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5 Y/ Q$ u; _4 @0 C' ^) N: x9 KCritics of the broadcasting cuts, announced Monday, said major reductions in staff and shortwave broadcasts will sharply curtail an important outlet for unfiltered news and information for large numbers of people in China, especially areas such as Tibet and western Xinjiang province, where pro-democracy forces are opposing Chinese rule.人在德国 社区- m; B: O6 v0 k4 C3 T4 W# Z

- ?' R0 D+ E, c$ k6 q- T2 E& ?“This is another alarming sign that America is cowering before China‘s gangster regime,” said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “The Chinese people are our greatest allies, and the free flow of information is our greatest weapon.”
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" Y3 `! {0 I! I/ o. [% x# eThe cuts were outlined as a cost-cutting measure in the fiscal 2012 budget report of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, VOA’s parent agency. The plan calls for shifting the focus from shortwave to digital media, such as Internet broadcasts.
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) I) P! [( t) X& p  H4 Vwww.csuchen.deThe plan was announced at a recent meeting of China branch employees by VOA Director Dan Austin, who said he supports the administration plan, despite opposition within the unit.