[国际新闻] 英13岁男孩犯下百宗罪行

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# `  E( o( a9 h, I4 {13岁负罪100项2 L' h/ G" j0 }6 Y

) g! W+ Q3 `; r' |. Z0 bwww.csuchen.de据报导,查利•米切尔家住英格兰普利茅斯市埃福德区,今年1月刚刚年满13岁。别看他满脸稚气,身高仅1米37,却是让街坊四邻人见人怕的「少年魔王」。据当地警方介绍,翘课、酗酒对于查利来说是家常便饭,此外,他曾多次打骂和威胁老人,潜入教堂、商店和民宅盗窃东西。更可恨的是,查利还经常破坏花园等公共设施,甚至放火焚烧邻居的房屋。
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/ L3 X8 P  b' N2 rwww.csuchen.de虽然邻居对查利早已烦不胜烦,然而每当有人欲将其扭送司法机关法办之时,小家伙总是做出一副鬼脸耍赖:「你能把我怎么样?」毕竟,他还只有13岁,属于未成年人,就连威严的法律也对他无能为力。/ I0 ~& w% X# c  t+ i2 n
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5 ]7 ]7 w  t  x4 }人在德国 社区据悉,ASBO是英国从1999年开始实施的一项制裁轻微犯罪的规则,可以被用来限制个人从事某一具体行为。对查利的禁令颁布之后,他的照片立即登上英国各大报刊的头版。儿子的「一夜成名」让米切尔夫妇羞愧难当,幡然醒悟的他们终于决定上家长学校接受「再教育」,另一方面,为查利重新联系一所学校。人在德国 社区  ?8 i) R1 Z. E8 }" ?
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. N* m  [* N! p1 J9 f0 o$ QTHE BABY-FACED ASBOwww.csuchen.de- I% V2 ?: T. x; \/ w  C3 Q4 J
) {+ B6 ~2 I  ?/ ?; B3 g" [MEET Charlie Mitchell - a 13-year-old hardened criminal with an Asbo.
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The 4ft 6in lout has terrorised his neighbourhood - setting fires, frightening pensioners, ransacking a church, wrecking fences and gardens and lying and conning his way into OAPs' homes with sob stories.3 a2 `" d( E1 u+ J1 N2 P$ t" z

) g/ v3 a1 X4 T, y5 Gwww.csuchen.deHe even broke into a car, let the handbrake off then watched it smash into a parked vehicle.
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One neighbour, too afraid to be named, said: "Word would go around that Charlie Mitchell was about and that something would be going off.
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"Nothing was safe in your back garden and shoplifting was a bit of fun for him. He was under-age and his attitude was 'you can't touch me'."
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Now magistrates have given him a two-year Asbo barring him from parts of his city and from leaving home without an adult.人在德国 社区. S: {0 q6 f: ~

6 A6 f) y+ K4 M' dHe is also banned from swearing, using racist words, throwing things, drinking and starting fires. Prosecutor Dylan Sadler told Plymouth magistrates: "You are dealing with an individual who has been described as being a hardened criminal at 12.www.csuchen.de& D1 `8 l+ e( s1 Q" q7 {

; k# W7 H8 K5 v+ ^7 g"One elderly resident said his life had been sheer hell, and he had gone to extreme lengths to protect his property from Charlie."
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$ Z' b  Q/ r, w( f" a' C# r! `Foul-mouthed Charlie, from Efford in Plymouth, was expelled from school in November. His family says he got in with the wrong crowd.: A5 R: e6 s+ d8 w! |& H, m6 k( o: Z, @
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A youth liaison officer said: "His mother and father have made great efforts to stop him mixing with certain people.
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1 F8 Y3 {2 N0 n% D. I! w0 GThe family have had problems and his parents admitted he was almost out of control."
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His solicitor Mackenzie Robinson said: "He accepts his behaviour was appalling. His last anti-social behaviour was in December and since then he has changed."

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