天天考查圣经 1019


我们必须接受上帝的统治, 服从上帝而不是服从人。——徒5:29

今天, 我们服从耶和华, 对他保持忠义, 也许要忍受迫害。 我们服从耶和华的命令传道教人, 就必须忍耐下去, 直到这个制度的终结。(太24:13,14; 28:19,20) 我们必须坚忍不拔, 无惧这个世界所施加的压力, 才能继续跟弟兄聚集起来崇拜耶和华。 仁爱的上帝很清楚, 我们在这些事上怎样努力服从他。 但要谨记, 我们如果想完全服从上帝, 就必须竭力克制有罪的肉体, 远离恶事, 并对美善的事养成喜爱之心。(罗12:9) 要是我们因深爱、 感激耶和华而事奉他, 他就“必奖赏[我们这些]恳切寻求他的人”。(来11:6) 为了上帝, 我们作出适当的牺牲是必须而可嘉的, 但耶和华最喜悦的, 却是我们因为爱他而完全服从他。(箴3:1,2) 《守》07/6/15刊2篇18,19段
末世征象:地震 粮荒 战争 瘟疫 世界四分五裂

Sunday, October 19

We must obey God as ruler rather than men.—Acts 5:29.

Today, our obeying Jehovah may involve enduring persecution in order to maintain our integrity. Also, our obeying Jehovah’s command to preach and to teach requires that we endure until the end of this system of things. (Matt. 24:13, 14; 28:19, 20) We need endurance to continue gathering together with our brothers, even though we may feel the weight of pressures from the world. Our loving God is fully aware of our efforts to be obedient in such areas. To be fully obedient, however, we have to fight our sinful flesh and turn away from bad while building appreciation for what is good. (Rom. 12:9) When we serve Jehovah out of love and with an appreciative heart, “he becomes [toward us] the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Heb. 11:6) Proper sacrifices are necessary and desirable, but it is complete obedience out of love for Jehovah that pleases him to the fullest extent.—Prov. 3:1, 2. w07 6/15 2:18, 19
末世征象:地震 粮荒 战争 瘟疫 世界四分五裂