天天考查圣经 1008


要想想以往的时日, 思考历代的岁月。 问你的父亲, 他必能告诉你; 问你的长辈, 他们必能述说。——申32:7

事奉耶和华的年长基督徒, 不论是受膏分子还是另外的绵羊, 都肩负着承上启下的使命, 有责任把意义重大的历史事件一代一代地传讲下去。 比方说: 早期观看过《创世影剧》的人当中, 有少数至今仍然在世; 有些年长的耶和华见证人, 曾与1918年被囚的那几位带头弟兄相识; 有些年长的弟兄曾在守望台社开设的WBBR电台广播过王国信息; 不少上了年纪的弟兄姊妹都可以告诉我们, 早期的耶和华见证人为了维护宗教自由, 怎样多次向最高法院上诉; 还有一些年长的弟兄姊妹曾在独裁统治下生活, 却一直坚守立场, 奉行正确的宗教; 年长的弟兄姊妹还可以告诉我们, 上帝怎样逐步启迪, 使他的子民对真理了解得更清晰、 更确切。 真的, 圣经鼓励我们向这些阅历丰富的老前辈请教, 吸取他们的经验。 《守》07/6/1刊2篇18段
末世征象:地震 粮荒 战争 瘟疫 世界四分五裂

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Wednesday, October 8

Remember the days of old, consider the years back from generation to generation; ask your father, and he can tell you; your old men, and they can say it to you.—Deut. 32:7.

Older servants of Jehovah, both anointed ones and those of the other sheep, are a living link to important historical events. A few still living were on hand for the original showings of the “Photo-Drama of Creation.” Some personally knew the brothers taking the lead who were imprisoned in 1918. Others participated in broadcasts on the Watchtower radio station, WBBR. Many can tell about the time when cases involving the religious freedom of Jehovah’s Witnesses were fought in the highest courts. Still others stood firm for true worship while living under dictatorial regimes. Yes, older ones can relate how the understanding of truth has been progressively revealed. The Bible encourages us to benefit from this wealth of experience. w07 6/1 2:18
末世征象:地震 粮荒 战争 瘟疫 世界四分五裂