天天考查圣经 1028


要保护你的心, 胜过保卫一切。——箴4:23

今天社会道德堕落、 人欲横流, 许多人“眼里尽是通奸的事, 止不住犯罪”。(彼后2:14) 这些人为所欲为, 随便跟第三者发展婚外情。 在一些国家, 不少妇女都外出工作。 男女共事, 日久生情, 工作地方就成了不正当的“办公室恋情”的温床。 自从有了网上聊天室, 就连非常害羞的人也很容易上网跟异性聊天, 彼此建立亲密的友谊。 很多已婚的人就这样不自觉地落入了这些陷阱。 真的, “人心比什么都诡诈, 不顾一切”。(耶17:9) 无论我们是已婚还是独身, 都应当认真细想今日经文, 这是至为重要的事! 《守》06/9/15刊2篇4,6段
末世征象:地震 粮荒 战争 瘟疫 世界四分五裂

Tuesday, October 28

More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart.—Prov. 4:23.

In today’s debased moral climate, many people “have eyes full of adultery and [are] unable to desist from sin.” (2 Pet. 2:14) They willfully pursue romantic relationships outside of marriage. In some lands a large number of women have entered the workforce, and the gender mix has created fertile soil for improper office romances to develop. Then, too, Internet chat rooms have made it easy for even the most timid of individuals to strike up intimate friendships online. Many married people fall into such traps without realizing what is happening to them. Truly, “the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate.” (Jer. 17:9) How essential it is, therefore, that all, married or single, give serious thought to the admonition found in today’s text! w06 9/15 2:4, 6
末世征象:地震 粮荒 战争 瘟疫 世界四分五裂